Special Buttercream Cakes

Weber’s Bakery offers various special buttercream cake designs, including rosettes, ruffles, and various textures. These designs must be done in buttercream rather than whipped cream. Fresh fruit, custard, or whipped cream fillings are fine, but the outer icing must be buttercream due to stability and coloring issues. There are no exceptions. If you are looking for whipped cream cake options, click our main CAKES page for some simpler decoration options.

Any of the cakes below can be ordered in store or over the phone, and all of the colors are customizable as long as the color is something we can make using food dyes. We have color swatches you can choose from, but we can match your color palate as long as you send us a picture or bring us a physical swatch. If you are looking for more cake inspiration, check out our Instagram page @weberscakes– we have a very extensive library of designs. If you have a photo of a cake design that is NOT one of ours, we may not be able to accommodate your request.

NOTE: Special buttercream cakes can take extra time to order because of the detailed designs. It is best to order these in person and at least 5 days in advance. Thank you for understanding!